Youtube link Remove the core. Cut up cabbage super thin (I did mine too thick here). A whole head of cabbage makes two big jars of it. Weigh it. Mix with 2% its weight in salt in a bowl that feels too big. Squeeze it in your hands until theres tons of liquid and you can't squeeze anymore (maybe squeeze through two songs). Put it in a jar. Pack it down so its all covered in liquid. Leave it out in someplace shady and room temp for 1.5-2 weeks or when it tastes tangy. Lightly cover it, but don't make it air tight. If the lid does seal, then make sure you open it up once a day to relieve pressure pack it down at least once a day. Matters the most at first. The goal is to get all the air out of there so pack it til you see no more bubbles. Label it with a date so you don't lose track of when you made it. Once it tastes right, store it in your fridge. Will last a few months. Give it away to someone old. Old people love Sourkraut.